
“Optimistic Healer” welcomes you. My Goal is to research and share with you “Healthful” information for you and your family.

Your body was designed with an Immune System to protect you from harmful bacteria and viruses. It has the ability to fight off illness. But if your immunity is not working properly, its difficult for your body to maintain proper health. When we nourish our bodies with healthy foods, herbs and spices, we allow our bodies the power to do its job to keep us healthy by protecting us from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food

This is not to say we must eat foods that don’t taste good, but only to change our way of thinking about the foods our bodies need to keep us healthy and remain in balance. There are many recipes that are tasty and good for you and also easy to prepare. I will also be looking for them to share with you as well.

Believe me, I know change is difficult. I’ve been working on eating healthier foods for a while now. A long while!! I know its not easy, but every little change you do will help get you on the right track. It’s a process, but as you make small changes and better food choices, you will feel better. Once you notice a difference, perhaps more energy, more restful sleep, decrease in headaches, less colds and less bloating, you just might want to stick with it.

It’s worth a try! “Progress not Perfection”

I’ll confess, I cheat once in while too!! I like sweets. I like bread and pasta. However, I try not to eat it as often as I would like to. I know when I do eat certain foods, snacks etc, I feel rather heavy, sluggish, I feel like it takes longer to digest. I’ll admit, it has been a struggle at times for me to stay with it, with holidays and many other occasions. But I feel better and have more energy when I eat healthier nutritious food. The older I get, the more I understand how important it is to take better care of my body. We only get one body in this life!

Let’s work on this together. Life is a Journey!!

Author: Optimistic Healer

I'm a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Health and nutrition is very important to me. My goal here is to share information, recipes, ideas and helpful hints for everyday living that may apply to everyone of all ages. I am an Herbalist, Reiki Master, Energy Healer and Reflexologist. A consultant in drug free pain management.

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